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Create a Custom Field (requires manageCustomField permission).


POST /api/customField

Request Body Example#

  "name": "BusinesUnit",
  "reference": "businessunit",
  "description": "Targeted business unit",
  "type": "string",
  "mandatory": false,
  "options": [
    "Sys Administrators",

The following fields are required:

  • name: (String)
  • reference: (String)
  • description: (String)
  • type: [string|integer|boolean|date|float]


Status codes#

  • 201: if Custom Fields is created successfully
  • 401: Authentication error
  • 403: Authorization error

ResponseBody Example#

  "id": "~32912",
  "name": "Business Unit",
  "reference": "businessUnit",
  "description": "Targetted business unit",
  "type": "string",
  "options": [
    "Sys admins",
  "mandatory": false
  "type": "AuthenticationError",
  "message": "Authentication failure"
  "type": "AuthorizationError",
  "message": "Your are not authorized to create custom field, you haven't the permission manageCustomField"

Last update: October 13, 2023 07:01:35