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Akka is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala


Akka is used to make several nodes of TheHive work together and offer a smooth user experience.

A good cluster setup requires at least 3 nodes of THeHive applications. For each node, Akka must be configured like this:

## Akka server
akka {
  cluster.enable = on
  actor {
    provider = cluster
  remote.artery {
    canonical {
      hostname = "<HOSTNAME OR IP_ADDRESS>"
      port = 2551
# seed node list contains at least one active node
  cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@HOSTNAME1:2551", "akka://application@HOSTNAME2:2551", "akka://application@HOSTNAME3:2551" ]


  • remote.artery.hostname containing the hostname or IP address of the node,
  • cluster.seed-nodes containing the list of akka nodes and beeing the same on all nodes

Configuration of a Cluster with 3 nodes

Akka configuration for Node 1:

akka {
    cluster.enable = on
    actor {
      provider = cluster
    remote.artery {
      canonical {
          hostname = ""
          port = 2551
    # seed node list contains at least one active node
    cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@", "akka://application@", "akka://application@" ]

Akka configuration for Node 2:

akka {
    cluster.enable = on
    actor {
    provider = cluster
    remote.artery {
    canonical {
        hostname = ""
        port = 2551
    # seed node list contains at least one active node
    cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@", "akka://application@", "akka://application@" ]

Akka configuration for Node 3:

akka {
    cluster.enable = on
    actor {
    provider = cluster
    remote.artery {
    canonical {
        hostname = ""
        port = 2551
    # seed node list contains at least one active node
    cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@", "akka://application@", "akka://application@" ]


Akka supports SSL/TLS to encrypt communications between nodes. A typical configuration with SSL support :

## Akka server
akka {
  cluster.enable = on
  actor {
    provider = cluster
  remote.artery {
    transport = tls-tcp
    canonical {
      hostname = "<HOSTNAME OR IP_ADDRESS>"
      port = 2551

    ssl.config-ssl-engine {
      key-store = "<PATH TO KEYSTORE>"
      trust-store = "<PATH TO TRUSTSTORE>"

      key-store-password = "chamgeme"
      key-password = "chamgeme"
      trust-store-password = "chamgeme"

      protocol = "TLSv1.2"
# seed node list contains at least one active node
  cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@HOSTNAME1:2551", "akka://application@HOSTNAME2:2551", "akka://application@HOSTNAME3:2551" ]


Note that akka.remote.artery.transport has changed and akka.ssl.config-ssl-engine needs to be configured.


About Certificates

Use your own internal PKI, or keytool commands to generate your certificates.


Your server certificates should contain various KeyUsage and ExtendedkeyUsage extensions to make everything work properly:

  • KeyUsage extensions
    • nonRepudiation
    • dataEncipherment
    • digitalSignature
    • keyEncipherment
  • ExtendedkeyUsage extensions
    • serverAuth
    • clientAuth

Akka configuration with SSL for Node 1

## Akka server
akka {
  cluster.enable = on
  actor {
    provider = cluster
  remote.artery {
    transport = tls-tcp
    canonical {
      hostname = ""
      port = 2551

    ssl.config-ssl-engine {
      key-store = "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/certs/"
      trust-store = "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/certs/internal_ca.jks"

      key-store-password = "chamgeme"
      key-password = "chamgeme"
      trust-store-password = "chamgeme"

      protocol = "TLSv1.2"
# seed node list contains at least one active node
  cluster.seed-nodes = [ "akka://application@", "akka://application@", "akka://application@" ]

Apply the same principle for the other nodes, and restart all services.

Last update: October 13, 2023 07:01:35