Authentication consists of a set of module. Each one tries to authenticate the user. If it fails, the next one in the list is tried until the end of the list. The default configuration for authentication is:
auth {
providers = [
{name: session}
{name: basic, realm: thehive}
{name: local}
{name: key}
Below are the available authentication modules:
Authenticates HTTP requests using a cookie. This module manage the cookie creation and expiration. It accepts the following configuration parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
inactivity |
duration | the maximum time of user inactivity before the session is closed |
warning |
duration | the time before the expiration TheHive returns a warning message |
auth {
providers = [
name: session
inactivity: 600 minutes
warning: 10 minutes
Create a session if the provided login and password, or API key is correct according to the local user database.
Authenticates HTTP requests using API key provided in the authorization header. The format is Authorization: Bearer xxx
(xxx is replaced by the API key). The key is searched using other authentication modules (currently, only local authentication module can validate the key).
Authenticates HTTP requests using the login and password provided in authorization header using basic authentication format (Base64). Password is checked from the local user database.
Parameter | Type | Description |
realm |
string | name of the realm. Without this parameter, the browser doesn't ask to authenticate |
Authenticates HTTP requests using a HTTP header containing the user login. This is used to delegate authentication in a reverse proxy. This module accepts the configuration:
Parameter | Type | Description |
userHeader |
string | the name of the header that contain the user login |
Use Microsoft ActiveDirectory to authenticate the user. The configuration is:
Parameter | Type | Description |
hosts |
list of string | the addresses of the domain controllers. If missing, the dnsDomain is used |
winDomain |
string | the Windows domain name (MYDOMAIN ) |
dnsDomain |
string | the Windows domain name in DNS format (mydomain.local ) |
useSSL |
boolean | indicate if SSL must be used to connect to domain controller. The global trust store of the JVM is used to validate remote certificate (JAVA_OPTS="" ) |
auth {
providers: [
{name: session}
{name: basic, realm: thehive}
{name: local}
name: ad,
hosts: ["dc.mydomain.local"],
dnsDomain: "mydomain.local",
winDomain: "MYDOMAIN",
Use LDAP directory server to authenticate the user. The configuration is:
Parameter | Type | Description |
hosts |
list of string | the addresses of the LDAP servers |
bindDN |
string | DN of the service account in LDAP. This account is used to search the user |
bindPW |
string | password of the service account |
baseDN |
string | DN where the users are located in |
filter |
string | filter used to search the user. "{0}" is replaced by the user login. A valid filter is: (&(uid={0})(objectClass=posixAccount)) |
useSSL |
boolean | indicate if SSL must be used to connect to LDAP server. The global trust store of the JVM is used to validate remote certificate (JAVA_OPTS="" ) |
auth {
providers: [
{name: session}
{name: basic, realm: thehive}
{name: local}
name: ldap
hosts: [ldap1.mydomain.local, ldap2.mydomain.local]
bindDN: "cn=thehive,ou=services,dc=mydomain,dc=local"
bindPW: "SuperSecretPassword"
baseDN: "ou=users,dc=mydomain,dc=local"
filter: "(cn={0})"
useSSL: true
Authenticate the user using an external OAuth2 authenticator server. It accepts the following configuration parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
clientId |
string | client ID in the OAuth2 server |
clientSecret |
string | client secret in the OAuth2 server |
redirectUri |
string | the url of TheHive AOuth2 page ( xxx/api/ssoLogin ) |
responseType |
string | type of the response. Currently only "code" is accepted |
grantType |
string | type of the grant. Currently only "authorization_code" is accepted |
authorizationUrl |
string | the url of the OAuth2 server |
tokenUrl |
string | the token url of the OAuth2 server |
userUrl |
string | the url to get user information in OAuth2 server |
scope |
list of string | list of scope |
userIdField |
string | the field that contains the id of the user in user info |
organisationField |
string (optional) | the field that contains the organisation name in user info |
defaultOrganisation |
string (optional) | the default organisation used to login if not present on user info |
authorizationHeader |
string | prefix of the authorization header to get user info: Bearer, token, ... |
## Authentication
auth {
providers: [
{name: session}
{name: basic, realm: thehive}
{name: local}
{name: key}
name: oauth2
clientId: "CLIENT_ID"
clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET"
redirectUri: "http://THEHIVE_URL/api/ssoLogin"
responseType: "code"
grantType: "authorization_code"
authorizationUrl: "http://KEYCLOAK/auth/realms/TENANT/protocol/openid-connect/auth"
authorizationHeader: "Bearer"
tokenUrl: "http://KEYCLOAK/auth/realms/TENANT/protocol/openid-connect/token"
userUrl: "http://KEYCLOAK/auth/realms/TENANT/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo"
scope: ["openid", "email"]
userIdField: "email"
## Authentication
auth {
providers: [
{name: session}
{name: basic, realm: thehive}
{name: local}
{name: key}
name: oauth2
clientId: "CLIENT_ID"
clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET"
redirectUri: "http://THEHIVE_URL/api/ssoLogin"
responseType: "code"
grantType: "authorization_code"
authorizationUrl: "https://OKTA/oauth2/v1/authorize"
authorizationHeader: "Bearer"
tokenUrl: "http://OKTA/oauth2/v1/token"
userUrl: "http://OKTA/oauth2/v1/userinfo"
scope: ["openid", "email"]
userIdField: "email"
## Authentication
auth {
providers: [
{name: session}
{name: basic, realm: thehive}
{name: local}
{name: key}
name: oauth2
clientId: "CLIENT_ID"
clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET"
redirectUri: "http://THEHIVE_URL/api/ssoLogin"
responseType: code
grantType: "authorization_code"
authorizationUrl: ""
authorizationHeader: "token"
tokenUrl: ""
userUrl: ""
scope: ["user"]
userIdField: "email"
#userOrganisation: ""
are created in the OAuth Apps section at this configuration requires that users set the Public email in their Public Profile on
## Authentication
auth {
providers: [
{name: session}
{name: basic, realm: thehive}
{name: local}
{name: key}
name: oauth2
clientId: "CLIENT_ID"
clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET"
redirectUri: "http://THEHIVE_URL/api/ssoLogin"
responseType: code
grantType: "authorization_code"
authorizationUrl: ""
authorizationHeader: "Bearer "
tokenUrl: ""
userUrl: ""
scope: ["User.Read"]
userIdField: "mail"
#userOrganisation: "" ## if not existing in the response, use default organisation
To create CLIENT_ID
, register a new app at
## Authentication
auth {
providers: [
{name: session}
{name: basic, realm: thehive}
{name: local}
{name: key}
name: oauth2
clientId: "CLIENT_ID"
clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET"
redirectUri: "http://THEHIVE_URL/api/ssoLogin"
responseType: code
grantType: "authorization_code"
authorizationUrl: ""
authorizationHeader: "Bearer "
tokenUrl: ""
userUrl: ""
scope: ["email", "profile", "openid"]
userIdField: "email"
# userOrganisation: "" ## if not existing in the response, use default organisation
are created in the_APIs & Services_ > _Credentials_
section of the GCP Console- Instructions on how to create Oauth2 credentials at
- For the latest reference for Google auth URLs please check Google's .well-known/openid-configuration
User autocreation#
To allow users to login without previously creating them, you can enable autocreation by adding user.autoCreateOnSso=true
to the top level of your configuration.
user.autoCreateOnSso: true
user.profileFieldName: profile
user.organisationFieldName: organisation
user.defaults.profile: analyst
user.defaults.organisation: cert
Multi-Factor Authentication#
Multi-Factor Authentication is enabled by default. This means users can configure their MFA through their User Settings page (top-Right corner button > Settings).
User administrators can:
- See which users have activated MFA
- Reset MFA settings of any user
This feature can be **disabled**
by setting a config property to false
auth.multifactor.enabled = false