TheHive connector: Cortex#
Enable the connector#
The Cortex connector module needs to be enabled to allow TheHive work with Cortex. Enable the module with this line of configuration:
play.modules.enabled += org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.CortexModule
Configure one connection#
TheHive is able to connect more than one Cortex organisation. Several parameters can be configured for one server :
Parameter | Type | Description |
name |
string | name given to the Cortex instance (eg: Cortex-Internal) |
url |
string | url to connect to the Cortex instance |
auth |
dict | method used to authenticate on the server (bearer if using API keys) |
wsConfig |
dict | network configuration dedicated to Play Framework for SSL and proxy |
refreshDelay |
duration | frequency of job updates checks (default: 5 seconds ) |
maxRetryOnError |
integer | maximum number of successive errors before give up (default: 3 ) |
statusCheckInterval |
duration | check remote Cortex status time interval (default: 1 minute ) |
includedTheHiveOrganisations |
list of string | list of TheHive organisations which can use this Cortex server (default: all ([*] ) |
excludedTheHiveOrganisations |
list of string | list of TheHive organisations which cannot use this Cortex server (default: None ([] ) ) |
This configuration has to be added to TheHive conf/application.conf
## Cortex configuration
play.modules.enabled += org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.CortexModule
cortex {
servers = [
name = local
url = "http://localhost:9001"
auth {
type = "bearer"
key = "[REDACTED]"
wsConfig {}
includedTheHiveOrganisations = ["*"]
excludedTheHiveOrganisations = []
refreshDelay = 5 seconds
maxRetryOnError = 3
statusCheckInterval = 1 minute
By default, adding a Cortex server in TheHive configuration make it available for all organisations added on the instance.
Configuration with one Cortex connection:
## Cortex configuration
play.modules.enabled += org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.CortexModule
cortex {
servers = [
name = Cortex
url = "http://cortex1:9001"
auth {
type = "bearer"
key = "tkjjyfsdgrKuPttaaasdDWSEzClKuPt"
wsConfig {
proxy {
host: ""
port: 8080
includedTheHiveOrganisations = ["ORG1", "ORG2"]
excludedTheHiveOrganisations = []
refreshDelay = 5 seconds
maxRetryOnError = 3
statusCheckInterval = 1 minute
Configuration with 2 Cortex connections:
## Cortex configuration
play.modules.enabled += org.thp.thehive.connector.cortex.CortexModule
cortex {
servers = [
name = Cortex1
url = "http://cortex1:9001"
auth {
type = "bearer"
key = "tkjjyfsdgrKuPttaaasdDWSEzClKuPt"
wsConfig {}
includedTheHiveOrganisations = ["ORG1", "ORG2"]
excludedTheHiveOrganisations = []
name = Cortex2
url = "http://cortex2:9001"
auth {
type = "bearer"
key = "lSDkjDGGGHtipueroBHOroNJKLbpi"
wsConfig {
proxy {
host: ""
port: 8080
includedTheHiveOrganisations = ["ORG2", "ORG3"]
excludedTheHiveOrganisations = ["ORG1"]
refreshDelay = 5 seconds
maxRetryOnError = 3
statusCheckInterval = 5 minutes
Last update:
October 13, 2023 07:01:35