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TheHive connector: MISP#

Enable MISP connector#

The MISP connector module needs to be enabled to allow TheHive to interact with MISP. Enable the module with this line of configuration:

play.modules.enabled += org.thp.thehive.connector.misp.MispModule


TheHive is able to connect to more than one MISP server for pulling, pushing or both.

Several parameters can be configured for one server :

Parameter Type Description
interval duration delay between to pull/push events to remote MISP servers. This is a common parameter for all configured server
name string name given to the MISP instance (eg: MISP-MyOrg)
url string url to connect to the MISP instance
auth dict method used to authenticate on the server (key if using API keys)
purpose string define the purpose of the server MISP: ImportOnly, ExportOnly or ImportAndExport (default: ImportAndExport)
wsConfig dict network configuration dedicated to Play Framework for SSL and proxy
caseTemplate string case template used by default in TheHive to import events as Alerts
tags list of string tags to be added to events imported as Alerts in TheHive
exportCaseTags boolean indicate if the tags of the case should be exported to MISP event (default: false)

Optional parameters can be added to filter out some events coming into TheHive:

Parameter Type Description
exclusion.organisations list of string list of MISP organisation from which event will not be imported
exclusion.tags list of string don't import MISP events which have one of these tags
whitelist.organisations list of string import only events from these MISP organisations
whitelist.tags list of string import only MISP events which have one of these tags
max-age duration maximum age of the last publish date of event to be imported in TheHive
includedTheHiveOrganisations list of string list of TheHive organisations which can use this MISP server (default: all ([*])
excludedTheHiveOrganisations list of string list of TheHive organisations which cannot use this MISP server (default: None ([]) )

Additionally, some organisations or tags from MISP can be defined to exclude events.


By default, adding a MISP server in TheHive configuration make it available for all organisations added on the instance.

This configuration has to be added to TheHive conf/application.conf file:

## MISP configuration
# More information at
# Enable MISP connector
play.modules.enabled += org.thp.thehive.connector.misp.MispModule
misp {
  interval: 1 hour
  servers: [
      name = "local"            
      url = "http://localhost/" 
      auth {
        type = key
        key = "***"
      wsConfig {}
      caseTemplate = "<Template_Name_goes_here>"      
      tags = ["misp-server-id"]
      max-age = 7 days
      exclusion {
        organisations = ["bad organisation", "other orga"]
        tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
      whitelist {
        tags = ["tag1", "tag2"]
      includedTheHiveOrganisations = ["*"]
      excludedTheHiveOrganisations = []


Connection with 1 MISP server:

## MISP configuration
# More information at
# Enable MISP connector
play.modules.enabled += org.thp.thehive.connector.misp.MispModule
misp {
  interval: 1 hour
  servers: [
      name = "MISP Server"     
      url = "https://misp.server"
      auth {
        type = key
        key = "XhtropikjthiuGIORWUHHlLhlfeerljta"
      wsConfig {
        proxy {
          host: ""
          port: 8080
      tags = ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
      caseTemplate = "misp"
      includedTheHiveOrganisations = ["ORG1", "ORG2" ]

Last update: October 13, 2023 07:01:35