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Manage configuration files#

TheHive uses HOCON as configuration file format. This format gives enough flexibility to structure and organise the configuration of TheHive.

TheHive is delivered with following files, in the folder /etc/thehive :

  • logback.xml containing the log policy
  • secret.conf containing a secret key used to create sessions. This key should be unique per instance (in the case of a cluster, this key should be the same for all nodes of this cluster)
  • application.conf

HOCON file format let you organise the configuration to have separate files for each purpose. It is the possible to create a /etc/thehive/application.conf.d folder and have several files inside that will be included in the main file /etc/thehive/application.conf.

At the end, the following configuration structure is possible:

|-- application.conf
|-- application.conf.d
|   |-- secret.conf
|   |-- service.conf
|   |-- ssl.conf
|   |-- proxy.conf
|   |-- database.conf
|   |-- storage.conf
|   |-- cluster.conf
|   |-- authentication.conf
|   |-- cortex.conf
|   |-- misp.conf
|   `-- webhooks.conf
`-- logback.xml

And the content of /etc/thehive/application.conf:

## Documentation is available at

## Include Play secret key
# More information on secret key at
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/secret.conf"

## Service
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/service.conf"

## SSL settings
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/ssl.conf"

## PROXY settings
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/proxy.conf"

## Database
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/database.conf"

## Storage
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/storage.conf"

## Cluster
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/cluster.conf"

## Authentication
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/authentication.conf"

## Cortex
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/cortex.conf"

include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/misp.conf"

## Webhooks
include "/etc/thehive/application.conf.d/webhooks.conf"

Last update: October 13, 2023 07:01:35