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Update guides#

Update from TheHive 4.0.x to TheHive 4.1.0#

TheHive 4.1.0 comes with an updated application stack, with new components dedicated to performance improvement. TheHive 4.1.0 requires the usage of a dedicated index engine to manages indexed data.

As a result, the minimum configuration required has been updated:

  • If you are a new user of TheHive, follow the installation and configuration guide.
  • If you are an existing user of TheHive 4.0.x, an index engine should be configured alongside the database. And wether you are using a standalone server or a cluster, the solution to implement and the configuration to update are different.

According to the setup, the instance can use:

  • A local engine, Lucene driven by TheHive
  • A centralised engine, Elasticsearch.

Updating a standalone server#

In this case, a Lucene can be used. TheHive 4.1.0 comes with its Lucene engine. The configuration of TheHive, can be updated like this:

  1. Create a dedicated folder for indexes (for example /opt/thp/thehive/index). This folder should belong to the user thehive:thehive

    mkdir /opt/thp/thehive/index
    chown -R thehive:thehive /opt/thp/thehive/index
  2. Add the index configuration in the db.janusgraph part:

    ## Database Configuration
    db {
      provider: janusgraph
      janusgraph {
        ## Storage configuration
        storage {
          backend: cql
          hostname: [""]
          ## Cassandra authentication (if configured)
          username: "thehive_account"
          password: "cassandra_password"
          cql {
            cluster-name: thp
            keyspace: thehive
        ## Index configuration
        index {
          search {
            backend: lucene
            directory: /opt/thp/thehive/index
  3. Restart TheHive

    service thehive restart

Once TheHive configuration is updated and restarted, new indexes are created during the start-up phase.


The start-up phase of TheHive and the indexes creation can take a certain amount if time. This phase will be quicker once indexes exist.

Updating a cluster#

In this case, a Elasticsearch should be used, as all nodes should have access to the same index.

Once your Elasticsearch instance is up and running, The configuration of TheHive can be updated like this:

Here is an example of configuration, use your IP address/hostnames.

## Database Configuration
db {
  provider: janusgraph
  janusgraph {
    ## Storage configuration
    storage {
      backend: cql
      hostname: ["", "", ""]
      ## Cassandra authentication (if configured)
      username: "thehive_account"
      password: "cassandra_password"
      cql {
        cluster-name: thp
        keyspace: thehive
    ## Index configuration
    index {
      search {
        backend : elasticsearch
        hostname : [""]
        index-name : thehive

In this configuration, all TheHive nodes should have the same configuration.

Restart all nodes of the cluster.


the cluster makes it work out ; one of the nodes manage the indexing process while others are waiting for it to be ready.

More information#

More information about the configuration of database and indexes can be found in the dedicated configuration guide

Last update: October 13, 2023 07:01:35